On the last day with the kids, we had a drawing class and they were suppose to draw the 3 instruments they learned at the recording session but they said they'd rather draw Peter. They sent me away with pages of drawings and notes to Peter thanking him for the recording session and asking him to please come back. It was really hard to leave PP. These kids at Aziza are really special. Please check out the site. They need our help! http://www.azizafoundation.org
I invited the kids to the studio that I built to record some traditional Cambodian music and introduce them to some of the technology involved. I hired a young student, Sinat, to perform for the kids. Although he is usually a bit shy he really warmed up and was able to answer a ton of their questions. We had him play three instruments and went through the whole process of figuring out where exactly the sound comes from, where to place the microphone, how the signal travels etc. The kids were totally into it, they asked great questions and much to my happiness were just as into the music side of things as they were into the mechanical side of it. We recorded a CD and they walked away with a finished product. I was also really impressed with how well my engineers did as teachers to the little ones. So satisfying! My hope is that this turns into a long term relationship of some sort. Each one teach one...
Pete and I were stuck in bike to motobike to tuk tuk to half dead animal traffic when we noticed these women talking about my nose. This Market is particularly dirty but full of interesting edibles... we also passed a Nissan full of chickens tied down inside and on the roof that sort of made me want to go veg.
Trick or Treat? We didn't eat! It was pitch black in the nightclub where we I took this picture so that my friends could get an idea as to what they were about to eat. I know it had some bones, and some vegetable matter,but the rest is just a guess. Bon apetit!
Aziza school is a part of Aziza Foundation. The school was built by Pete's friend Nader who spends time at the dump site where some of these children lived and offered them a place to live and study english, art, computers, film etc...I've been spending time with these amazing kids at the school. This is a picture of all the kids piled into a tuk tuk on the way to visit RDI, an NGO that makes ceramic water filters available to the communities in cambodia.
Each kid at Aziza has there own XO computer. They are so smart. They are showing off their animation skills.